i'm a student studying my mca degree in a reputed institution in chennai, every morning in my bus stop this aged couple used to come to every people mostly students and ask for charity , when they ask i know that i don't have enough money to give them as i don't even have enough money for myself, but i even know that they are the one who don't have anything at all, when we say poor we still have food for our lunch in afternoon or have enough money to eat the next time and day and for a month, but they don't even have anything at all "food, money, cloth", when we don't know about our future they don't know their present, they don't know what is the way for the lunch on breakfast, without improper food and life, and i see the other side of road, luxury cars, people with lavishing life, running for money and for business, party, movie,.... the line is so lean yet so dark that one couldn't cross other, they have money for the next year and so on, what if we think as a common human heart, we give the needy, we feed the needy, one for a day or money which you have excess then your current need, in this 72th day of independence of the greatest and largest democratic country in the world, let those who have excess give to those who don't even have for their next day....


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