we all are going to die

                    Today, i'm writing this it's been 21 years and here i'm blogging , i'm a student and i loves to speak and to pass information, this life is not beautiful and yet beautiful i have problems and i had problems and i'll have problem in future , life is always like this we feel happy today, sad tomorrow and happy again, this circle never ends and this circle is called life, when it ends everything stops there, someday you are gonna die, no more alarm clock to wake you up, no more eating breakfast in a quicker way so that you can go to the office,schools,sports club ,etc... that day is going to come anyway, so take a break, go somewhere where you feel no phone calls, no messages no irritation no hard crowds but you with yourself, yes you need it today you need it now, so don't give a damn enjoy now enjoy today you may die tonight or tomorrow , so keep rocking.


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