TODAY 23-9-19 6:53 PM I'M WRITING THIS I'M FROM A DEVELOPED TOWN NEAR TIRUVANNAMALAI , TAMILNADU, it's been century that the peoples of india are begin their journey of life at the river bank of sindh, but from the recent outcomes of the archeological results from the beta lab, Florida, pisa university italy, and pune university proves that the people of india are originally begin their civilization in the banks of vaigai near madurai "the temple city" in tamilnadu , this is rewriting the history of the origin of india and the language they spoke was actually born in vaigai civilization and they also lived in a well educated manner, it proves that the people who lived in tamilnadu had intelligent and knowledge of writing and it called as tamizhi or bhrami script(name of the symbol of language), before 1 to 6 BCE and also the fifth result of excavation is belived to identify how the people of vaigai traveled to sindh lived and also the spreading of their culture, from the result they used pots as vessels for drinking and cooking purposes and also used it for writing, it also proves that Tamil is not the oldest but the first ever language spoken in this world.
resources:the hindu india 
for people of tamilnadu you can also watch my video on youtube in tamil


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