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sex and humans!
from the birth of humanity we been attracted to our opposite sex, it is the force of attraction between humans, though it is in needed for the reproduction of humans,
today at 21st century where everyone treated with respect and equally still some of that evil inside every human heart and brain have a major defect called sex, if you get married and then do all the stuff with your partner it is a way of making love and the real value of sex, when we come across the word sex
our mind automatically travel itself with high speed to the porn images or some of porn actress or actors, that is not what sex is, it is a colloidal mixture of two true souls to one another allowing itself to colloid with another, the mutual understanding and the soul purify itself with the help of other, we human helped ourselves to create some of evil thoughts and named it like "incest" ""cuckolds" and all without knowing and hurting the holy relationships we followed, we ourselves destroying whatever is given to us both mentally and physically, next time when you come across a girl or boy , don't see the human as just a sexual thing, have a good time......
🔥👏👏👌👌👌👌 Great
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