Mathematics has been one way of improving and doing things in a better way, but still lot of people just hate it and I'm one among them, but let's talk about life and mathematics, life has been given to us from millions of years ago from the single cell and we have been evoluated and revoluted at times but still one thing sticks there like bubble gum under our shoes, " problem " life for everyone give this thing commonly without partiality either to rich or poor people everyone have their own problem, and here comes mathematics, life is an advanced book of mathematics we have problems until we finish it "death", when we solve one another come and after end of a chapter there comes another with more difficult, but how should we do it, how are we going to solve everything, the truth is we don't have to solve everything , we don't want to become the most richest person on Earth, we can simply become who we always want to be that's the formula, solve life with it..
"" Stay motivated stay cool, tomorrow is too late to start but still you have the evening to enjoy to relax and to begin something new.""


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